Are you one of the many people added on Snapchat by random bots? We all know that feeling.
If Random bots add you snapchat then it means that you were on their recommended list
You open Snapchat and see a new person has added you by phone number. You check the person’s name, and it’s someone you don’t recognize, but you can’t help but feel excited because maybe it’s someone you want to get to know?
But then you start to wonder: How did they get my number? I’ve never given them my number—I’ve barely given anyone my number!
How does this person have mine? Or are they just trying to be friendly and make some new friends?
The questions begin to pile up as the mystery deepens. You can’t help but wonder: “Who is this person who added me on Snapchat by phone number?” There’s only one way to find out: You have to accept the friend request.
Bots Adding Me on Snapchat
As a young adult, I’ve come to enjoy the occasional Snapchat. It’s fun to have quick, playful conversations with your friends.
But I’ll admit that I have a few gripes with it—one of them is people adding me on Snapchat by my phone number. It may seem like no big deal, but something feels utterly impersonal.
You’re missing out on an opportunity to get a sense of who I am as a person and possibly even start up an exciting conversation.
If you added me by name or username, the process would be much more organic—you’d see a picture of me and my username (or name), and you’d be able to think about why you wanted to add me.
In the case of my phone number, this connection gets cut off entirely, and it adds an element of awkwardness to the interaction because we both know that you’re doing something that seems strange!
Plus, in the case of using my phone number, there’s no way for us to continue our conversation after we start it unless you add me under my name or username at some point. The whole thing seems pointless.
If you’re trying to avoid being added by random people on Snapchat by phone number, you can prevent it by not giving out your phone number.
If you give out your phone number, make sure it’s not the same one linked to your Snapchat account.
The other way is through your setting; here are some tips:
First of all, make sure your phone number is private. Go into your settings and check the box that says “My Phone Number Is Private.”
You need to go into your settings and make sure that your phone number is not visible to other people. It will prevent people from adding you by your phone number because they won’t be able to see it.
Next, ensure that you have two-factor authentication turned on for your account. You can find this in the same place where you found the “My Phone Number Is Private” option—look for “Two-Factor Authentication.”
Now go back into your settings and check “Verify My Account.” It will ensure that when someone adds you using their phone number, it’s them trying to add you and not some scammer trying to access your account.
Finally, go through every friend who has added you recently and double-check their profile picture.
Suppose it looks like something from a stock photo website or seems too good to be true (like a beautiful model or a famous person), block them immediately! (if someone does add you by phone number, then report them and block them.)
How Do Bots Add Me on Snapchat
Snapchat, the wildly popular visual messaging app, recently added a feature that allows you to add friends by their phone number instead of a username.
Have you ever wondered how someone added you on Snapchat by phone number? It’s easy, just follow these steps:
Open your phone’s text messages and type “Snapchat” (without quotes). Hold the “send” button on your keyboard until a menu pops up. Then, click “New Message.”
A new text message window should open up with “Snapchat” written at the top. Type in their phone number (and their username if it’s different from their phone number). Then, hit send!
How to Prevent Random People From Contacting you on Snapchat
People love to add you on Snapchat by your phone number, but sometimes it’s not the people you want to talk to. Here’s how to prevent random people from contacting you on Snapchat:
- Go to the settings screen
- Tap “Accounts and Privacy”
- Select “Blocked Accounts”
- Tap “Add Account”

Enter the phone number of the person you’d like to block
The following tips can also help you avoid the awkwardness of adding random people on Snapchat by phone number.
Don’t add random people on Snapchat by phone number unless you’ve known them for a long time.
Avoid adding random people on Snapchat by phone number if they’re not someone you see often or have never met in person before.
Only add people if they’re someone who has asked for your username/phone number repeatedly over time (and if so, don’t give it out).
Don’t add anyone who isn’t your friend or family member by phone number. It’s just not worth the risk!
Double-check that person’s username before adding them. If you don’t see anything but their phone number, it could be an impersonator trying to trick you into giving away your personal information by adding them as a friend (and then asking for your name, age, and birthday).
If you’re going to add someone by their phone number, make sure they aren’t a spammer before doing so! There are many ways to tell if someone is a spammer—look out for phrases like “I’m bored” or “what are u doing?” in their bio!
Who Can Add Me on Snapchat
So, there are a few ways to add people to Snapchat. You can add someone by their username, or you can find them by their phone number
By Phone Number
Who Can Add Me On Snapchat By Phone Number? You have to type in their phone number and hit “add.” That’s it!
Now, you might be wondering: how do I get their phone number? Well, there are a few ways. You can ask them for it via text message (or maybe even in person).
Or, if you want to go old school, you can use Facebook Messenger (another excellent tool for finding Snapchat users).
Another option is to look up their name in your contacts list on your phone and see if they have an entry there— the chances are good that they do!
If not, try looking up their name using Facebook again! It should get you most of the way there! You can add me on Snapchat by phone number if you are one of the following:
Someone who has my phone number
Someone who stole my phone number from me and is using it to add me on Snapchat
Someone uses a tool like “Fake a Text” to add me on Snapchat. It is just another way of saying, “stole my phone number from me.”
But I’m not sure how many people know about Fake a Text (or similar apps), so let’s go with the first two options.
By Username
To add someone by their username, type in the name of their account in the search bar at the top of your Snapchat, and then hit “Add.”
If they don’t have a username yet (which is often the case), you’ll need to send them a message asking them to add your username.
If you don’t know who someone is, but you want to add them anyway, two ways can help you find their username:
The first is using the search bar at the top of your Snapchat. Just type in their name and hit “Add,” then wait for them to accept the request.
The second method involves sending them a message asking for their username. You can open up Snapchat and click on the message icon (shaped like a speech bubble).
Then type out what you want to say, write down their username, tap: send, and wait for them to respond!
Block Them
You can block people on Snapchat by phone number. If you have someone constantly adding you on Snapchat, but you don’t want to chat with them, there’s a way to keep them from contacting you.
You need to go into your settings and add their phone number as a blocked contact. Once you’ve done this, they’ll be unable to add you as a friend or see any of your stories.
Here’s how:
Step 1: Open Snapchat and tap the profile icon in the top-right corner of the screen.
Step 2: Tap People and then tap the name of the person you want to block.
Step 3: Tap Block next to their name and then tap Confirm Changes when prompted.
Who Are the Random People Adding Me?
I will tell you who they are. They are not just random people, they are people who care about you and want to interact with you. I know that sounds crazy, but it’s true.
You might remember the last time someone added you on Snapchat by phone number and how annoying it was?
You were probably like, “Who is this person?” or “Why are they adding me?” But now I will explain why these people do this and what they want.
First, let me explain what a phone number is: A phone number is an identification code given to you by your cellular provider so they can identify your account when making calls or sending messages.
When someone adds you by phone number, they have already added you from another messaging app such as Instagram or Facebook Messenger and now want to add your cell phone number for easier access!
It’s super easy for them because they have to click the “Add Phone Number” button at the top of their screen and enter their digits in the space provided. So why do people do this?
They’re trying to be your friend, but they don’t know how to go about it, so they add you by phone because it’s easy and makes them look like they aren’t a creep.
When someone adds you on Snapchat by phone number, they’re trying to communicate with you differently than texting or calling would allow them to do.
By adding you by phone number, they say, “I want to be your friend,” without saying anything.
So if someone adds you on Snapchat by phone number, say thank you for adding me and then ask them how long ago was your birthday?
It will help them feel less awkward about asking for your Snapchat username so that the next time they want to add someone else, it will be more accessible than ever before!
If you were asking what the meaning was of getting people to add you on Snapchat by phone number. Well, we figured it out or did some research.
If you add a person on Snapchat by their phone number, they are not likely to accept.
It means they are trying to hack into your account, look through and screenshot your Snaps and Stories, then save them on the phone.
You can report people for doing this, but the central location for reporting them is currently unavailable due to site errors. You can still block those people from adding your Snapchat account via phone number.