Hinge Only Showing 4 Photos? Here’s Why!

hinge only showing 4 pictures

Many Hinge users have been complaining of a problem where they are only seeing 4 pictures on someone’s profile when they are swiping.

This seems to be hurting their experience as they can’t seem to piece together what someone actually looks like.

The reason this is happening is down to an experiment Hinge is running to get more users onto their platform.

Unfortunately, there is no way around this apart from waiting for the experiment to be over.

From what I’ve heard, the experiment should be over but if you’re still experiencing this problem then it may be down to another issue which we will address in this article.

I’ll be going through all the possible reasons why you may be having this problem and what you can do to get over it.

Why is Hinge Only Showing 4 Pictures?

There are a few reasons Hinge may only be showing 4 pictures rather than the usual 6. The main reason that you may only be seeing 4 pictures is because of an experiment hinge that is currently running.

Hinge is seeing whether or not 4 pictures will be better than 6. A few reasons for this may be because many people say they don’t have enough good photos.

So Hinge is giving the chance for more people to join their platform since they need fewer photos. It is less of a deterrent than needing 6 photos.

This brings more people on the platform and therefore, they make more revenue.

Don’t think it’s a bug as Hinge has stated that isn’t a bug you need to worry about this issue even though it’s not an issue. Hinge hasn’t explicitly explained that they are just testing if 4 pictures are better than 6.

Wait For The Experiment to Be Over

The best you can do to get over this issue is to just wait for the experiment to be over. To my knowledge, this experiment has been ended but if you haven’t updated your app you may still only be seeing 4 pictures.

Sometimes hinge will update on its own without you having to update it. But if you notice that you can still see only 4 pictures then you will need to update the app.

To Update Hinge:

1. Go into the App Store and type in Hinge.

2. If there is an update available click the ‘Update’ button.

Now go onto Hinge and see if you’re having the same issue.

Submit Feedback to Hinge

If you find that your app is still stuck this way, you can speed the process up by contacting Hinge support. You can do this by sending an email.

Send it over to [email protected]. Here, just explain that you are only seeing profiles with 4 pictures and it is hurting your user experience.

They will take this info into account and this may speed up the process of getting your account back to normal.

Don’t expect a reply, just know that Hinge may or may not see this email and take onboard what you’ve just said.

They Only Added 4 Pictures

On Hinge, adding 4 pictures is allowed, however, this will limit your use of the app.

This may be what’s going on if the problem still persists. However, if this is happening with every profile you swipe on this wouldn’t be your issue specifically.

This is most likely not the issue in most of your cases as I am an avid Hinge user myself and haven’t come across that many profiles with only 4 pictures.

How to Have Less Than 6 Photos on Hinge

To have less than 6 photos just add 4 pictures when creating a new Hinge account. You can also do this by removing two pictures.


You should now understand why this feature may be showing up on your swipe queue. If you are consistently seeing 4 pictures on profiles you’re swiping on then it’s because of an experiment Hinge is currently doing.

This experiment should be over by now but if it is not then you can submit feedback to Hinge so it can speed up the process. Updating the app can also help too.

Hinge does actually allow you to only add 4 photos but you will be restricted to some account features. If you are seeing only a few profiles with 4 pictures in your swipe queue then it’s because of this reason.

Hopefully, this article helped you answer your question. If you are still confused then you can send an email to us and we’ll help answer your question there.

Dozie Ejizu
Dozie is the founder of Vergizmo.com, with 10+ years of experience in Social Media and consumer tech devices. Dozie has written hundreds of articles with tried and tested methods to provide you with up-to-date information.