The process of adding people to Snapchat is a great way to become closer to them, but it can also be rather complicated.
If you’ve ever wondered what “adding by username” means, we’re here to help you figure it out.
Once the user has been added to your friend’s list, you will be able to see their name within the Snapchat app.
If this person has linked their Snapchat account to their username, you may also notice a username for them.
If you see the term “added” next to their name, that means you were the one who added them, not the other person.
If you want to see who added someone else on Snapchat, you may check this out. Simply search for the word “added” next to the person’s name.
What Does It Mean When Someone Adds You By Username
Added by username means that the person that has added you typed in your full username before adding you.
It doesn’t mean that they randomly found your username someone from someone who sent it to them and added you from there. It means that they knew your full username and added you from there.
Before we get into the specifics of what this means for you, let’s take a step back and figure out what usernames are.
Your username is the name you gave when you signed up for Snapchat.
Your account name gets used to identify your account’s authenticity—it’s the only way to prove that you’re who you say you are.
You might want to add your friends by username if, for some reason, you can’t access their Snapcode?
You can add them with their username if they don’t have a Snapcode—maybe they’re brand new to Snapchat, or perhaps they deactivated their account but still want to be able to add you.
What Does Added By Search Mean On Snapchat
The best reason to add people on Snapchat is to see the random and funny stories they post to their accounts.
Added By Search just means that the person has partially searched your username and added you from the suggestions that Snapchat has given them.
That is simply what it means. This is different from when someone types in your full username and adds you. This will show that they added you by username.
It’s fantastic that you can send things back and forth, but it’s no fun if most people you know don’t even have Snapchat.
In the past year, we’ve seen a fancy new feature emerge: Snapchat’s ability to add friends without knowing their username. This new feature is called added by search.
Snapchat has technically had a search function for a while now. If you tap the button next to your username and then tap the magnifying glass, you’ll bring up the search field.
From there, you can type in the names of anyone who is following you or one of your friends (if they’ve added you to their Snapchat contacts). If you start typing a name, it will auto-fill with possible matches.
However, there are some ways that people can avoid getting found in Snapchat’s search:
If someone deletes their account after you start following them but before you search for them, there is no way to find them through Snapchat because searching remains active for around one week.
On Android phones, people can go into their settings and disable the ability for other users to add them as a contact. It’s unclear whether this setting exists on iPhones, but I bet it does.
In any case, it means that anyone who wants to hide from your searches (and also has an Android phone) can remove themselves from your contacts list—so even if you do find them on Snapchat and add them as a contact, they won’t show up in your search results.
You might not realize that when you use the search function, your name appears as one of the results along with the username associated with your account.
It means that even if you don’t have their phone number or username, someone else can find you on Snapchat without knowing who you are. It can cause issues in several different scenarios.
For instance, let’s say there is an individual who doesn’t want their significant other to know about their extracurricular activities.
Suppose this individual isn’t aware that their name will appear as a result when finding this person’s usernames.
In that case, it could cause a problem later on if the significant other were to check for the names of individuals that they know this person has communicated with via Snapchat.
What Is The Difference Between Added By Search And Added By Username
The difference between adding someone by search and adding someone from their username isn’t quite a lot. When you type someone’s full username and add them from there it will say added by search.
When you add someone by partially tying in their username and adding them from the search results it will say added by search.
When you add somebody by username, they have to accept your request for you to see their stories manually.
If you add someone on Snapchat by searching for their username, they can see your username in their search results.
They will click your username, and it will take them to a page on the app that says “added by search” below your username.
It means they can see how many people you added by search, which is a great way to gauge popularity!
If you add someone by username, they can see your username in their search results. They will click on your username and take them to a page on the app that says “added by username” below your username.
It means they can see how many people you added by username, and it’s a great way to gauge popularity!
Can You Tell If Someone Searches You On Snapchat
No, you can not tell if someone searches you on Snapchat. Snapchat does not send out any notifications to anyone when someone searches for them.
The only way you can know if someone searches you on Snapchat is if you added them by search and it shows them which it always will.
If you don’t want it saying added by search then I would advise you to add them by searching their full username so it says added by username.
If you want to go undetected by your Snapchat friends, there’s a way to do that. All you have to do is remove your location on Snapchat.
It’s not incredibly difficult, and here’s how:
Open the app.
Go to your settings.

Click “Ghost Mode”

Change your location so no one can find you.
Once you’ve done this, all your Snapchat friends will not know where you are.
Can Someone Tell If You Search Them On Snapchat
No, someone can not tell if you randomly search for them on Snapchat unless you search for them and then add them from there.
If you’re searching for a personal account, it won’t appear as if you’ve searched for it.
If you want to completely hide your tracks, you can change your username permanently after you search for them by going into settings and tapping “Your Name.”
If you tap where it says “Snapchat Username,” it will allow you to change it to something else without backtracking and doing it again later.
If none of those options work for you and you still don’t want that person to know that you searched for them, there is another way: delete them from your friends’ list.
It will make it so that they won’t appear in your friends’ stories, but when they search for themselves, their username will still appear underneath the search bar,
How Do You Search For Someone On Snapchat
Snapchat, just like every social media platform, has a search function. Well, it’s pretty simple. You can either search for them by their username or by their snap code.
Here’s how to search for someone on Snapchat:
Tap on your Bitmoji at the top of your screen.
Type in the name of the person you want to find, or tap “Add Friends” at the bottom of your list of friends to see their names and add them manually.
If you don’t know what username your friend uses, try looking for their username.
If you want to find someone on Snapchat, it all starts with knowing their username. There are a couple of different things you can do to find a username for Snapchat:
Option 1: You can ask a friend or family member who knows the user’s username. If they trust you, they’ll tell you!
Option 2: You can guess the username based on basic information about that person.
It isn’t guaranteed to work, but if you know whether or not they’re single and how old they are, you can try using those details like your username search terms.
For example, if your friend is single and 24 years old, you could use “single_24” as your search term. If they’re married and 31 years old, try “married_31.”
Option 3: Open the app and type in the name of the person you’re trying to find. It’ll either bring up the person’s name or a list of names written down on your friends’ profiles.
Can You Stop People From Adding You From Search?
Yes, but it’s a little complicated. If you want to stop people from adding you from searches, you have to go into your settings and change your options so that there’s no way for anyone to add you.
You can do this by going to the “Privacy and Safety” section of your settings, then clicking on “Who Can Add Me?” and changing it from “Everyone” to “No One.”
It will prevent anyone from adding you through search, but it also means that if someone has already added you, they won’t be able to see who else on the app has added them or vice versa.
You can also stop people from seeing your name and picture in the search bar. If you take care of this step right away, it will save your friends (or frenemies) the time it takes to add you after they’ve found you in a search.
Snapchat allows you to block people from adding you through search.
To block those users at the source, log in to Snapchat and navigate to your profile page by tapping on the ghost icon in the top left corner.
From there, click “Manage” under the account where you see “Add Friends.”
You will now see a list of all the email addresses that have added you; select “Remove Friend” from the menu next to each one and confirm that you would like to block that user.
This action is permanent—once an email address is blocked, it cannot be unblocked.
You can also stop people from finding your username by changing it, though this is only temporary—it will go back to being searchable after three days.
Blocking someone can be more permanent and is more surefire. While blocking doesn’t prevent them from finding your username (which they might discover by other means), it does stop them from being able to add you without sending a friend request first.
When searching for someone’s username on Snapchat, you may notice something called “added by username.” What does that mean? That depends.
If you are the person whose name is being searched, the added means that the other person has added you as one of their best friends.
If the name being searched belongs to a different user, it indicates that you have been added as a friend.