snapchat account

How To Add Someone Without it Saying Added By Search

Want to add someone on Snapchat without them knowing or without it saying added by search then here is how. When you add someone by...
snapchat app

What Does Added By Username Mean on Snapchat

The process of adding people to Snapchat is a great way to become closer to them, but it can also be rather complicated. If you've...
snapchat app

How to Refresh Quick Add on Snapchat

One of the most annoying things about Snapchat is that there is no way to refresh your quick adds list often because the same...
snapchat app

Snapchat Bots Adding Me? (A Few Reasons Why)

Are you one of the many people added on Snapchat by random bots? We all know that feeling. If Random bots add you snapchat then...
does your snap score go up when you receive a snap or when you open it

Can Your Snapchat Score Go up Without Opening Snaps?

Are you curious whether your Snap score could go up even if you don't actively use Snap Chat? Even though this seems impossible, it is. For...
snapchat app

What Does Ignored From Added Me Mean on Snapchat

Snapchat is a great new way to keep in touch with your friends, but with all the new features added to Snapchat over the...
does snapchat notify when you delete a chat

Does Snapchat Notify When You Delete a Chat?

Snapchat has allowed users to delete their chats for a few years now and it seems to be a useful feature. Up until a...
snapchat app

How to Fix Bad Snapchat Camera Quality

Snapchat is a popular application that allows you to take photos, videos, and post stories. However, you seem to notice the quality of these...

How to Know if a Snap is only For You

I'm guessing you just received a snap from either someone you really like or just a Snapchat that was important. However, you don't know...
people looking for a location

Does Snapchat Tell Someone When You Look at Their Location

Have you always wondered whether or not Snapchat lets other people know whenever you view their location on Snap Maps? I can understand your...