Deleting your Snapchat account is a common thing that happens when you own a Snapchat account. However, many users wonder if their friends will know if they deleted their Snapchat accounts.
There are a few reasons this may be. One reason is that they don’t want their friends to know that they have deleted Snapchat as they just want to be left alone.
Another reason could be that they don’t want their friends to think they have removed them off Snapchat as this can come across as rude.
There are ways to tell if someone has deleted their Snapchat account which I will be going through in the article. However, these signs aren’t obvious as it takes a bit of digging to fully know if someone has deleted their Snapchat account or just removed them.
The first question I will be answering is if your friends will know if you deleted your Snapchat account.
If I Delete My Snapchat Account Will My Friends Know?
No, your friends will not be able to immediately tell if or when you delete your Snapchat account. This is because Snapchat doesn’t notify the people you have as friends whenever you delete or deactivate your account.
When you delete your account no one will know. You will merely just disappear from their Snapchat accounts like you were never friends in the first place.
This is usually what most users prefer as they don’t want anyone to know when they delete or deactivate their account as they may be going through something private during that time.
This is one of the ways Snapchat values privacy. The same thing occurs with disappearing photos. However, after a few days, they may notice that something is up since you will be missing from their chat feed.
If I Delete My Snapchat Account Will Conversations Be Deleted?
Yes, conversations will disappear if you do delete your account terminally. If you have only deactivated your account then you’ll be happy to hear that all your conversations will remain where they are.
However, if you were in any group chat, you would be removed from that group chat and the people within those chats would have disappeared. You wouldn’t be able to view any of the messages, nor will your Bitmoji be highlighted.
Unfortunately, once your account has been deleted, these messages will not be able to be recovered. The best thing you can do is save the chat and then deactivate your account.
When you delete your account if you log back in within 30 days, chats will still be available for you to see, However, if you didn’t save those chats, they will be gone. But the chat feed will still be there.
What Can My Friends See if I Delete My Account
They won’t see anything if you have deleted your account. That’s the point. You have completely disappeared from their account.
They will be able to see that you haven’t posted any story and that you don’t come up in their chat feed. If they go to search for you, they won’t be able to see your account as it won’t pop up in the search results.
They will see that they’re not able to send you a message. They will also see that you don’t come up in any group chats. Nor will they be able to see your Snapchat profile.
However, if you do reactivate your account, they will now be able to see it. However, you have to remember there is a big difference between deleting your account and reactivating it.
What Happens When You Delete Your Snapchat Account
There are a few things that happen when you delete your Snapchat account. Your friends won’t be able to see you or search for you. Your account is also only deactivated for 30 days. After that, it’s deleted.
If I Delete My Snapchat Account, Will My Friends Go
No, your friends will not go if you delete your Snapchat account.
However, if you don’t log back into your account within 30 days then your friends will go if you delete your account as your whole account is gone and you can’t get it back. Because you don’t have an account, you don’t have any friends anymore.
The only chance you have is to make a new account and add those same friends again. If you deactivate your account your friends will not go.
They will remain on your account until you reactivate it again by logging back into your account within 30 days. If you don’t log back into it within 30 days then your friends will permanently go.
If You Deactivate Snapchat Can You Still Be Searched
No, you can’t be searched when you delete your Snapchat account. This is because once you delete your Snapchat account, your account will be gone from all of your friend’s accounts. There will be no trace of you left.
When they search for your username, your name won’t come up, nor will your profile show up. This is one of the only ways they could ever know that you deleted your account.
The only other event where someone’s name won’t come up when searched is when they get blocked by someone.
This is why it’s probably for the best that you tell your friends that you’re deleting your account before you do it so they don’t think that you have blocked them.
Deleting Your Snapchat Account vs Deactivating It
When you delete your Snapchat account, it is gone permanently. This means that there is nothing you can do to get it back or reactivate it. This can be done by going into settings.

All your friends will be permanently removed, and so will all of your chats as well. Nothing on the account you deleted will be able to be recovered. Your friends will never be able to see that account again.
Many people get the two words confused. So in the context of this article, we’re talking about permanently deleting your account not deactivating it.
When you deactivate your account, it’s similar to deleting it however if you log back in, it will seem like nothing ever happened.
However whilst it is deactivated, your friends will not be able to see your profile or read your chats until you reactivate again by logging back in.
When you delete your Snapchat account, everything will still be available on it unless you log back in within 30 days.
It’s safe to say that you should know what happens when you delete your Snapchat account. Your friends will not know immediately when you deleted your account but they will be able to catch on after a few days.
Once they start to get suspicious, they may give your account a search and see that your profile doesn’t come up anymore.
Once 30 days have gone and you haven’t logged back into your account within that time frame then your account will be permanently gone and your friends will also be gone.
There is nothing you can do to get them back so it’s always important to make sure that you’re 100% sure when you delete your account that you’re making the right decision.
You will still have an extra 30 to think about this decision so by that time, you will know if the decision was for the best.
Hopefully, this article has answered any questions you may have about your account and what your friends will see once you delete it.