Watch My Stories But Don’t Like My Posts

watch my stories but don't like my posts

Have you been posting your posts on stories, but no one likes them? Well, you’re in the right place. A lot of people post stories hoping they get likes on their posts.

One of these social media platforms is Instagram, and getting likes on your post directly affects your reach to the people.

But the problem is getting likes; even our followers don’t like our posts.

So how do you make them like your posts? Research has shown that 80% of the people are not getting a single engagement on their first five posts.

This means the 20% are getting all the engagement, and we must figure out what they are doing.

There are multiple factors that you need to consider. Then there is the algorithm you need to consider because these apps have been getting better at what we like.

To get on the good side of the algorithm, you need to have likes, saves, shares, and comments.

If the algorithm sees that your post is getting likes and saves, it will push your post to more and more people. This is another reason why people want likes on their posts.

Instagram has similar features, and growing on Instagram is harder than ever. Let’s dive deeper into this and figure out why you are not getting those likes.

Watch My Stories But Don’t Like My Posts

There are a lot of people that scroll by your post and don’t like them. The most common reason behind this would be that they are not the type of person that likes posts.

Many people log on to the app after a long day of work to look around at what is happening and to enjoy it for a little while.

These people don’t often like your post until they are amazed by something you post. The other reason you might not get likes is that your audience doesn’t know you want them.

You have to ask for the likes in your stories or in a video you post.

You should be playful with it and set small challenges like if I get this many likes, I will do a Q&A, or you could get your audience some giveaways for the like target they achieved.

The most successful content creators and influencers use these tactics to be on top. You should try these methods.

Indicate That You Want People to Like Your Picture

Almost everyone who follows you doesn’t know how this influencer stuff works.

They won’t know that you need likes for your social media engagement score to get sponsors and for your content to be pushed to a broader audience by the algorithm.

To make people like your post, the first thing you should do is not to post during office or school hours. When you post something new, you should post a story asking people to check it out and like it.

Put a heart emoji in the story next to the post or put a recent tag. This way, you will get the results you want. People tend to like posts that have excellent production quality.

The bad quality of posts can be due to multiple reasons, including poor image editing tools and bad lighting.

To improve the quality of your posts, you should consider using editing tools better than those that come with Instagram by default.

There are many different apps that you can use to edit your photos to look more professional.

Post Pictures People Will want to Like

Compare your posts and look at what kind of stuff you have had the most success with. If people like videos more, then you should post more videos.

Make sure the posts are not offensive in any way to anyone. That might also be the reason for you not getting the likes.

When you post something, try to put effort into it. You should look good in pictures and ensure everything is on point when you post photos.

Your audience notices this stuff, and if they see you are making an effort, they will support you.

Other than this, always try to experiment with new stuff that your audience might like, and by doing that, you will be relevant to them.

When users visit your post, they want to know that there is something of value to them when they interact with that post.

Interesting comments can encourage users to spend more time viewing and interacting with your posts.

Here are some things to remember when writing comments: Use interesting and attractive symbols.

Ask questions that require an answer from your followers. Use quotes or song lyrics related to your message. Design the text you want to use.

If you don’t know where to start, make a list of questions you can ask your audience. Share your experiences or talk with others interested in this topic on Instagram.

People are likelier to engage with posts that feel like personal things rather than just sales.

Another thing to consider is the length of your caption. If it’s too long, people won’t bother to read it all the way through. Try to keep your captions short and sweet but still a little reserved.

Make Sure Everyone Can View Your Story

Everyone likes to see stories, they are short, and it is way easier to know what you have been up to for the past 24 hours. The good thing about the story is that you can see who viewed it.

By doing this, you can ensure that your stories reach all your followers.

If that is the case, these are some potential likes you have hidden from your stories. To know who you have hidden from your story, follow these steps.

1. open Instagram

2. Click on the profile icon in the bottom right

3. Click on the three lines

4. Select settings

5. Click on privacy

6. Tap on Story

7. Click on hide my story from

instagram story settings

8. Make sure no one is selected

7. Click done

Don’t Like My Pictures But Never Miss a Story

Some people watch stories just so that they have none left. They tap on the right side of the screen till they are done with the stories, and people like these are not potential likes.

They have impulsively followed you for some reason and then forgot about you. Don’t stress about these users. There is nothing you could do about it.

Make Sure They can click on the Story

When you post a story to promote your new video or picture, ensure they can click on it.

This is important because very few people will go to their feed or your profile to check out your latest post if it’s not in front of them. So make it easy and always put a clickable link in your story.

You could get some potential likes because most users watch your story. And if your post got lost in the feed, they will be redirected through your story.

Always think of ways to make it easier for your followers to interact with your posts. Keep things exciting and fun for them so that your engagement is consistent.

Ask Them to Like Your Post

You know your audience, and you know who your potential likes are. DM only those people who you think are potential likes.

These people could be someone who regularly watches your stories, or they might be someone who has previously liked your posts, but now they are not showing interest.

By doing this, you should get proper feedback on what your shortcomings are and make sure to correct them to get those potential likes.

Post at The Correct Time

You may be posting when your audience isn’t watching.

For example, if you have an Instagram account that targets people in the United States, that account will be live at certain times of the day and not at other times.

For example, if most of your followers are students who don’t work part-time, it’s only natural that they’ll be online during the day when they’re not teaching or studying.

Posting at the correct time is very important because if you don’t, the algorithm will not read it properly and get lost in the user’s feed.

Make sure you don’t post at work or school hours because busy people tend to engage less with posts.

Posting at night can be less engaging than posting during the day when most of your followers are online. The best time to post is when people get off work, that is the time when the engagement is the highest.

Some people look for stuff to watch after a long day of work. Some of them want to watch something good while eating dinner.

Posting at such hours will clearly make a difference in your views and amount to an increase in your likes.

Get More Followers

The more followers you get, the chances of getting potential likes increases. But you have to be consistent to do so.

You have to post more often to be relevant, and when you promote your posts in stories, you should have an extensive collection of posts.

So when a new user comes around your profile, they stick around. To get followers, you should announce giveaways or Q&A for the fans or reward some other kind.

Some successful creators use these tactics, and they work. One way is to do paid promotion of your profile and make your posts reach out to a target audience of your choice.

I wouldn’t recommend you pay promotions for your Instagram profile because organic followers you collect over a long period are way better.

You have a special connection with the audience that you collected on your own.

They have a strong bond with you, and in the future, if you want to work on some brand, these people will help you succeed and lift you.

All the biggest creators or influencers in the world connect with their audiences because they have seen them grow and become who they are.

Like other Peoples Posts When They Post

If you want others to like your posts, make sure you also practice this rule.

When someone else posts something, make sure you like it. Maybe they dislike your post because you do not like them.

It goes the same for getting a follow back. A Lot of people refrain from liking your post because you don’t respond to their posts.

One other thing you should ensure is to respond to the followers’ DMs and comments on your posts.

If you don’t want to respond to the comments just like them, this will make your user’s day, and they will engage with your content quite often.

Instagram feeds no longer displayed in chronological order as before. Your followers won’t see your new post right after you create it.

Your followers won’t be able to see your post, so that you won’t like it immediately. Instagram’s algorithm is a bit strange in that the more people interact with your account, the more it appears in your home feed.

Instagram keeps track of when users like and interact with your account and allows more people to see your account. The key point is that engagement is the key to modern Instagram algorithms.

The more you and your followers interact, the more likely you appear at the top of their feed. Do you have an account that you are particularly interested in?

Enable notifications for this account. After all, if you want others to like your post, you must think about them and engage with them.


There are several ways to increase your likes, and with each passing day, there appears a new way to do so.

For now, they are very important for the Instagram algorithm, and you have to have liked to be successful at this.

If you want likes, you must indicate to your follower that you wish to them. You can verbally say it in a video or ask for likes in your story.

Besides this, you are consistent and play an essential role in growing your Instagram profile on Instagram.

If your users expect two posts from you every day and suddenly haven’t seen anything for more than two weeks, they will probably forget about your account altogether.

To prevent this from happening to your account, try uploading at least one or two daily posts.

This will help keep your account at the forefront of your followers’ interests and show that you are an active member of the Instagram community.

One of the reasons why your post doesn’t get the same amount of attention is that you may be experiencing shading.

Shadow banning occurs when Instagram intentionally limits access to user posts to make them less visible on the platform.

This can happen for several reasons. It is too active on platforms that use hashtags associated with spam or inappropriate content that uses automated tools to acknowledge or comment on other users’ posts.

If you suspect shadow banning is happening, there are a few things you can do to fix it. First, ensure you’re not violating Instagram’s Terms of Service. If so, this will likely lead to the shadow ban.

To work around this problem, try to be more selective with the hashtags you use in your posts.

Instead of just adding a bunch of tags that describe what your post is about (e.g., #travel), only add tags that are relevant to each post (e.g., #italy).

Another thing to avoid when bypassing a shadowban is using automated tools like liking or commenting on other users’ posts.

These services are against Instagram’s terms of service, so if you use them too much, they can block your account.

If none of these tips work for you, you may want to consider reducing the frequency of your Instagram posts.

While this may seem weird, it’s a great way to show that you’re an active community member without making your posts appear cluttered or inappropriate.

Dozie Ejizu
Dozie is the founder of, with 10+ years of experience in Social Media and consumer tech devices. Dozie has written hundreds of articles with tried and tested methods to provide you with up-to-date information.