If You Search For Someone on LinkedIn Will They Know?


Yes, LinkedIn tells you when people search for your name or company name on the site. You can also see a list of people who have viewed your profile or viewed an update you wrote.

LinkedIn is a great way to network and connect with other professionals, but it can also be a great tool for job seekers who are looking for new opportunities.

LinkedIn offers several ways for you to manage your profile. You can edit your profile to update your job title, company name, and address, as well as your education details.

You can also add skills and endorsements that reflect your experience in certain areas of expertise.

LinkedIn is a social networking website for professionals. Users can connect with others and view their profiles, including photographs, work experience, and educational history.

It was founded in December 2002 and launched on May 5, 2003, under the name “LinkedIn.” In February 2014, Linkedin reported 500 million registered users in 200 countries and territories.

The platform has evolved over the years and now offers job postings, career advice, and more. One of the most useful features for job seekers is the ability to see who has viewed their profile.

Does Linkedin Notify you When you Search for Someone?

LinkedIn allows users to search for other users based on their name, professional skills, or location. If you search for someone on LinkedIn, the person will receive a notification that you searched for them.

They do not receive any information about what you typed into the search bar to find them unless they take action to view your profile.

Note that LinkedIn does not notify you when you search for someone but notifies the other person you are searching for. It only shows you who has searched for you.

If you want to know who is searching for you on LinkedIn, click on the notifications icon at the top right of your home page.

It will show you all of your notifications, in this case, only one. Clicking on that notification takes you to the page where people can see who has searched for them.

However, suppose someone has searched for you and sent a message or connection request. In that case, that notification will be visible in the “Connections” section of their profile page, under “Recently viewed profiles.”

LinkedIn offers options for setting privacy settings so that other users cannot see your profile unless they are connected to you through a mutual connection or contact you directly through the site.

If you don’t want to receive notifications when someone searches for you on LinkedIn, set your privacy settings so only people who have already contacted you can view your profile page or send you messages or invitations.

Can Someone on LinkedIn See if you Search Them?

LinkedIn is a social media platform that allows users to connect with other professionals and share their professional experiences.

It is also a great way to network and make new contacts. However, It does not allow you to hide your profile from search engine results.

Can Someone See If You Search Them On LinkedIn? Yes, someone can see if you search them on LinkedIn as long as they are logged into their account unless they have a premium subscription.

If someone searches for your name, they will see that you had looked up their profile but not the exact time when you did so.

They will also see the number of times others viewed them in recent weeks but not who viewed their profile or how many times someone looked at it.

Can People See if you Look at their LinkedIn?

The answer is yes and no; people can see if someone has looked at their profile, but they cannot see who it was.

The person you have viewed their profile will see a little notification at the top of their screen that says, “someone has viewed your profile.” The reader can also click on that message to see who it was.

linkedin searches

If you’re curious about whether someone has looked at your profile, check out the search results page for their name. If there are any recent results for that person, they have recently logged in or had an account activity related to the site.

LinkedIn users can block others from viewing their profile by clicking the “Privacy” link at the top right corner of their profile page.

The Privacy page allows you to set your account to public or private and control who sees your information by adding or removing people from your network.

If someone you’ve added to your network has blocked you from seeing their profile, you won’t be able to see it even if you request an invitation.

However, it’s possible for someone searching for someone else on LinkedIn to see if they have searched for them. It is because LinkedIn automatically saves searches made on its website.

If someone has searched for a person within the past two weeks and that person has blocked them, he can still see that he’s been searched by clicking on his name in his search results list and going to his profile page.

How Many People Have Searched My Name

LinkedIn has become a staple in the job search process. According to LinkedIn, more than 200 million people use social networks for professional networking and career opportunities. It mainly involves searching for employees or job opportunities.

But how many times do your potential employers search your name on LinkedIn? It’s an important question to ask when you’re doing a job search because it gives you an idea of how often recruiters will see your profile and decide whether or not they want to contact you.

LinkedIn’s search feature is useful for finding people who work at a company or are interested in a certain topic. You can also see how often your name has been searched.

This information can be useful if you’re looking for new job opportunities, but there are other reasons why you might want to know who’s been searching for you on LinkedIn.

How to See Who Searched Your Name on LinkedIn

To see how many people have searched your name on LinkedIn, do the following:

  • Log into your account, hover over the menu icon in the top left-hand corner, and select Settings.
  • Select Privacy & Settings from the menu.
  • Click on Account Settings.
  • Scroll down until you see “Security” and click on that option.
  • Click “View Your Public Profile.” it will take you to a page that shows information about your public profile, such as how many connections you have. On this page, scroll down until you see “Who viewed my profile?” Underneath this heading is a list of people who had searched for you within the past 30 days, their locations, and when they last searched for your name.

Why do you need to know who has Searched for your Name on LinkedIn?

There are several reasons why knowing who has searched for you on LinkedIn is so important:

  • You’ll find out if someone is researching you before they contact you. It could be a potential employer or client who wants to know more about you before making an offer.
  • Knowing this will allow you to prepare and ensure that everything is ready if they contact you.

It’ll help you spot competitors or people who might be trying to hire away your employees or clients. It can give you an advantage if they’re researching your company or employees.

It gives them an advantage over others in their field who aren’t using LinkedIn as effectively as they should be using it as an informational tool.

  • It will help identify people who have similar interests as yours. When opportunities arise in the future, there is already a connection between everyone involved in the process, including those involved with interviewing candidates.
  • Have more control of your profile by following the simple steps above to find out who has searched for you on LinkedIn.

Can you Make your LinkedIn Profile Private?

If you want to keep your search private, there is a way to do so. If you don’t want anyone to know that you are looking at their profile, there is a setting in your account called ‘People You May Know’ that can change your privacy settings.

Since LinkedIn has some privacy settings that allow you to control who can see what you post on the site. Here are some tips for making sure that your profile is as private as possible:

  • If you have already logged in, click on the “Profile” button near the top-right corner of your screen; otherwise, click “Sign up” at the top-left corner of any page and then enter your email address and password when prompted.
  • Click “Settings” from the bottom of any page on LinkedIn’s website. This will include a drop-down menu; select “Privacy & Settings.”
  • Click on “Manage Who Sees What You have posted on your profile.

Why Do You Need to keep your LinkedIn Account Private?

If you’re a business owner, you should first do this when setting up a LinkedIn profile to make it private. That’s because a public profile can hurt your business.

  • You should be able to see the benefits of making your profile private, but if not, here are some reasons why you may need to keep your LinkedIn account private:
  • You’re in sales. If you’re in sales and regularly deal with customers, it’s probably best to keep your profile hidden. This way, people won’t know what company you work for, and they won’t be able to find your email address or phone number easily.
  • You’re an executive in a B2B company. If you work at a technology company or any other B2B firm with multiple stakeholders involved, it may not be wise to have all potential customers and partners see who works there and how much they earn each year or month.
  • You’re looking for a job. Many recruiters search LinkedIn for candidates. If you’re looking for a job, it might hurt your chances of being hired by companies.

How to Search for Someone Anonymously

If you’re looking for a new job or want to keep your personal and professional lives separate, it can be good to search for people anonymously. While Google and Facebook offer some degree of anonymity, neither is perfect.

Many users want to determine whether their employer or spouse is spying upon them. Others don’t want their bosses or family members discovering what they’re doing during work hours or while they’re supposed to be at home relaxing.

Fortunately, there’s an easy way to search for someone anonymously on LinkedIn. It works in the same way as using Google’s incognito mode:

Here’s how to use LinkedIn to search for people anonymously:

Step 1: Log into your account and click on the search bar at the top of the screen. Click “Advanced Search.”

Step 2: Click on “Define Keywords” under “Find People.” it will help narrow down your search results. For example, if you type in “Marketing” in this section, only those results associated with marketing will show up on your results page.

Step 3: Type in the name of the person you’re looking for in the “Name” field and then click on “Search.” You’ll see a list of people who match those criteria below this section.

You can further refine these results by clicking on each result to see what they do professionally or where they live or went to school or anything else that might be relevant information to your search.

Follow these steps and get all the information you need without notifying others of your search.


I’m not sure if LinkedIn sends an email when you search for someone, but you can be notified in the following ways:

When someone views your profile, you’ll see a red notification on top of your page with a number next to it — this is how often your profile has been viewed.

When someone applies for one of your jobs, you’ll get an email about this, and it will show up in your notifications tab under “Jobs You Applied.”

When someone likes or comments on one of your posts. A green thumbs-up icon will appear next to the comment with the number of likes or comments.

Dozie Ejizu
Dozie is the founder of Vergizmo.com, with 10+ years of experience in Social Media and consumer tech devices. Dozie has written hundreds of articles with tried and tested methods to provide you with up-to-date information.