Hinge Fresh Start is a new feature Hinge has brought out in order to stop people from deleting their accounts.
Your situation probably went like this, you got fed up with not getting matches and you wanted to delete your account to maybe get a second chance.
From here just before you confirm your account deletion, Hinge will bring up a pop-up offering you a fresh start. However because you may not know what this means, you have landed here.
A fresh start on Hinge is basically what it sounds like. Hinge is giving you the option to start over. In this article, I’m going to explain in detail what the Hinge Fresh Start feature is and if you should use it.
What is Hinge Fresh Start
Hinge introduced the fresh start feature to basically stop people from leaving the app. It basically gives people a second chance which is maybe what they were looking for. In turn, this obviously drives more revenue for Hinge. which is why they brought it out.
The Fresh Start feature will allow you to restart your account and restart your swipe queue. It also removes all the likes you have sent. Apart from that, nothing else really changes.
The main appeal of the fresh start feature is to allude you into thinking that Hinge will wipe your slate clean. This is why in most cases, people are only using the feature if they’re not getting many matches.
Should You Use The Fresh Start Feature
In my opinion, I think the fresh start feature is a waste of time. It doesn’t really change much. It’s basically a way for Hinge to trick you into not making a new account.
Hinge is invested in you staying and not deleting your account. Now if you think this feature will benefit you then you may be inclined to use it. It resets your swipe queue so you will be able to see new types of potential matches.
It will also remove the pictures you currently have so you will need to add new pictures. If you want things to change then you will need to do things differently than what you were doing.
This also means that your prompts will also be removed so you will need to add new ones. If this isn’t really what you want then it makes sense to just delete your account.
How to Use The Hinge Fresh Start Feature
The only way to get the fresh start feature to pop up is to proceed to delete your account. That is when Hinge can get the most people to use that feature.
Remember, you don’t actually have to delete your account to get the feature. All you have to do is pretend you’re deleting your account to get the feature to pop up.
To start off with:
1. You will need to click on the profile icon
2. Tap on Settings
3. Scroll down and click Delete or Pause account. Now follow the prompts from here.

Now once you click this, go through the process of deleting your account and until the very last step, you will be shown the Hinge fresh start prompt.
How Many Times Can You Fresh Start on Hinge
Hinge doesn’t restrict you to how many times you can fresh start. If you delete your Hinge account you can make a new Hinge account straight after and use the fresh start feature again.
There is no time period for when you can use the fresh start feature. I would recommend that you don’t delete your Hinge account if you are going to make a new one straight away.
You will not be penalized if you keep Fresh Starting, since whenever you join back, Hinge won’t be aware that you have had an account previously as everything is wiped from their database whenever you restart your account.
Does a Fresh Start Reset the Algorithm
Yes, getting a fresh start on Hinge does reset the algorithm on your account. The algorithm is basically how Hinge deems how attractive you are based on how others interact with your account.
The better your profile, the more attractive people will be shown on your swipe queue, and the more you’re shown in their selection of likes. You may also be shown in the standouts section.
No, if you choose to add the same pictures and prompt, the algorithm will revert to what it was before you used the feature. So if you truly want to reset the algorithm, then you will need to add different pictures and prompts.
So I would not use the feature based just because it resets your score. Because if you do the same thing, your score will remain the same. Contrary to popular belief, Hinge does not have an ELO score.
Do Matches Stay After a Fresh Start?
Yes, matches do stay if you use the Hinge Fresh Start feature. I think this is a good thing as there is no reason to remove either of these things. You have obviously matched with them for a reason.
Fortunately, people you have already swiped on will still come up in your swipe queue when you use the feature.
This means that if you improve your pictures, you have a second chance to match with these people in the case that they choose to not match with you based on your pictures or prompts.
Don’t worry about losing matches or messages as these things will still stay and you won’t lose any important potential connections.
Hinge Fresh Start is basically a marketing ploy to get you to not delete your account. If you choose to delete your account you will lose absolutely everything.
Using the feature lets you keep a few things while making you think you’re having a fresh start.
When you use the feature, you have to add new pictures and prompts again. The feature allows you to basically have a new account without deleting it and losing important things like matches and messages.
I think that the feature is pointless. If you want to delete your account then go ahead and do it. Don’t let the prompt throw you off as this is what it was made for.
Hopefully you now fully understand what this Feature does and whether you need it or not. I would say you don’t but if you have any other questions then let me know by sending over an email.