He Watches My Instagram Stories Immediately

he watches all my instagram stories

Some Instagram users may be surprised to find the same person watching their Instagram story or the same user at the top of their stories or always among their viewers. That could be because of a lot of factors.

If you’re wondering why he watches all your Instagram stories, this article is for you. 

Why Does He Watch All My Instagram Stories

There could be a lot of reasons why a user could be watching all your Instagram stories or always following your posts. 

This article will outline a few reasons why this may be happening and give you information on what to do if you think you’re getting stalked on Instagram.

He Has a Crush on You

One of the main reasons a user may be viewing all your posts on Instagram could be because they have a crush on you. 

If a user you don’t know or talk to frequently is viewing all your stories, it could be because he has a crush on you or likes you.

Most people with “crushes” online can only express themselves by consuming all their content on social media platforms.

He may be on the lookout for your posts and rushing to view them because he’s interested in you and could be trying to find out more about you through your content.

If that’s the case, there’s not much cause for concern.

One of the reasons a user might view all your “stories” is because of feelings they may have for you.

He is probably trying to work up the courage to start a conversation or ask you out to pursue those feelings.

He Wants To Know What You’re Doing

A person could also be watching your stories because of a desire to keep tabs on you.

The user who views all your “stories” could be interested in you and wants to know what you’re doing at all times.

If you’re one of the Instagram users that post an update of every daily activity on their stories, there’s a good chance that someone is using them to learn about your daily affairs.

When you post stories, you should always be privacy-conscious.

Don’t post “stories” to the public that may show where you live to thousands of strangers on the internet.

If you’re uncomfortable with people having this much information about you, consider using the share to “close friends” stories option and restricting the number of people that have access to your stories.

He Wants To Know Where You Are

Another reason an Instagram user is watching all your Instagram stories may be to keep track of your location.

A user may be interested in your or the content you’re producing and want more information about the physical location you are.

Other users on Instagram can find out where you are and your precise location through your “stories” through two main methods. 

1. Geotags

He may be able to determine your location based on the location tags you attach to your stories’ posts.

If you use specific geotags that contain the exact location of a physical place, an Instagram user could use them to locate you. 

Geotags of exact locations like stores you shop at, libraries, banks, and parks could tell people where you are at a given time.

2. Landmarks

A user could also figure out where you are through visible well-known landmarks and locations that are present in your Instagram stories.

These easily recognizable landmarks can give away your current location and give other users an idea of where you are. 

If you’re uncomfortable with other Instagram users knowing your precise location, using broader geotags can help you post updates without compromising your privacy.

You can also use specific location tags after you’ve left the area.

He Wants To Know Who You’re With

An Instagram user that watches all your stories may be doing so in hopes of knowing who your friends are or what groups you associate with regularly.

He may develop an interest in you and try to find out more details about who you are through them.

If you post photos of your friends on your stories or use mentions to link their accounts to your posts, other Instagram users can use these means to know them.

They may also do it to keep track of you while you’re out.

If you post stories with a group of people, other Instagram users can check those stories to find out “who else” is present at the event you’re attending.

They Want To Be Your Friend

Watching all your stories may be borne out of a desire to be your friend.

An Instagram user could be watching all your posts in an attempt to learn more about you and connect with you. 

They may be hoping to one day interact with you in some form and want to know more about your likes and dislikes.

This individual could be searching through your stories for common interests to build a “friendship” with you. 

Looking For a Chance to Message You From a Story

The person may be watching all your Instagram stories in the hopes of messaging you one day.

He may be looking for the perfect chance/opportunity or searching your “stories” for an opening to slide in your DMs. 

This individual may be watching all your stories to try and find a common interest or topics that could be suitable for an opening message. 

They may be waiting for you to post an open-ended message on your stories that requires an answer in your DMS and grants them an opportunity to interact and connect with you.

He Watches My Stories Immediately

A person may be viewing your Instagram stories to keep tabs on what you’re doing.

Watching your stories immediately after you post them could betray a desire to know precisely what you’re doing at that time. 

He may be trying to gain more information about your daily activities and could be waiting for you to post an update on your stories. 

If you notice an account watching your stories straight away, then it could be a bot.

Could Be a Coincidence

Someone viewing all your stories right after you post them on Instagram could be a coincidence.

It may just be a coincidence that another user happens to be online at the same time as you and decides to view your stories.

They may not even be particularly interested in you or your posts. 

Some People Just Watch Everyone’s Stories

Some users watch everyone’s stories immediately after they are uploaded. You can know this if they watch all of your stories but don’t like your posts.

They may be doing this because they are bored and seeking a distraction or because that’s just how they choose to use the platform.

They may click through all the stories they can see on their account after coming “online” and not even pay any attention to whose “stories” they are viewing at the moment. 

How to Control Who Sees Your stories

If you’re uncomfortable with certain users viewing all your stories and keeping track of your activity, you can decide to restrict the number of people that have access to them.

How to restrict the number of stories viewers by using “close friends.” 

1. Launch the Instagram app and tap on your image in the bottom right of your screen to open your profile page. 

2. Tap on the three black lines at the top right of your screen and select “close friends” on the next page

3. Tap on “Get started” and use the “add” option to add your close friends. You can search for the usernames of your close friends in the search bar above.

4. After selecting your “close friends,” tap on “create list” at the bottom of the page.

5. Tap on “create a story” to add your first “close friends” story

6. Select the image or video to post and tap on the green star icon to set the visibility to close friends.

Note-  Although Instagram does not notify other users that they were “added” to a close friends list, they can tell by the green circle that displays around the story instead of the usual pink and orange.

Unless you notice an obvious or discernible trend in the likes or comments on your other posts, having the same user viewing all your stories doesn’t mean they are stalking you.

However, If you think you’re getting “stalked” on the Instagram platform, there are some things you can do to restrict the user’s access to you.

What to Do if You’re Getting Stalked on Instagram

The quickest solution to the problem is to block the user’s account on the platform.

There are multiple ways to block users on Instagram. You can block them through your settings, direct, or their profile. 

How to block someone on Instagram via settings

1. Open the Instagram app and tap on your profile picture in the bottom right of your screen to access your profile.

2. Tap the three lines in the top right of your screen and select “settings” on the next page

3. Top on privacy and click “Block accounts” to view the list of blocked users 

4. Tap on the + sign at the top right of your screen and choose the block option beside the account.

How to block users via direct

1. Tap the paper plane or messenger symbol in the top right of your feed.

2. Tap on the chat of the user you want to block

3. Click on the username at the top of your chat.

4. At the bottom of the “details page,” you can choose to “restrict,” “report,” or “block” the user.

Block Someone Who You Think May Be Stalking You

1. Tap their username at the top of their posts or search for them in the search bar

2. Click on the three dots in the top right of their profile and tap on the “block” option to block the account.

3. You can choose to block the account or block the account and any new accounts they may create.

Report the So-Called Stalker

You can follow these same steps for the unblock account that you’ve previously blocked.

Does Instagram notify the person if I block them on the Social Media Platform?

No. The users you block on Instagram will not be notified by the platform that you have acted.

Here are a few ways blocking users on Instagram can affect them on the platform.

1. Likes and comments 

When you block users on Instagram, the platform removes all their likes and comments on your posts or pictures.

The actions will not get undone if you unblock the account later.

2. Mentions and tags

Blocking a user on Instagram will restrict them from being able to mention your username or tag you in their posts.

If you change your username after “blocking” a user, they won’t be able to “tag” or “mention” you unless they know it.

3. Messages

Blocking a user on Instagram will not delete your message threads on Instagram direct, but it will not let you send any more messages to them.

You can see the messages from the person or persons you blocked if you’re in the same group. 

Instagram will ask if you want to leave the group or stay and receive those messages.

Messages sent to you by the user while they are “blocked” won’t be delivered to your account via direct messaging.

These messages will not be delivered to you even after you unblock them.

4. Rooms

Users you have blocked on Instagram will not be able to join any rooms you create on the platform through their accounts.

Note – some users have multiple Instagram accounts. It is best to block as many of them as possible. 

If you don’t want to “block” an Instagram user completely, there are two alternatives to restrict their access to your account.

Remove the Story Watcher as A Follower

You can remove them as a “follower” or “block” them from commenting on your posts.

Remove the user as a “follower” on your Instagram Account

Removing a user as a follower and setting your account to private can help you maintain the privacy of your account. 

Setting your account to private restricts non-followers from viewing your stories.

You can find more information on removing users from your followers- Here.

Please report any issues with your stories and forward all questions regarding their privacy to Instagram for professional support.

Report Problem to Instagram

If you want to contact Instagram to resolve any issue or make inquiries about your account’s privacy, you can use the “report a problem” section or  the “help center.”

However, owing to the size of Instagram, the “help and support” sections of the platform are primarily automated.

It is difficult to contact a human representative to handle inquiries or issues on your account.

Instagram provides lots of help to customers via its vast “Help Center.”

You can find lots of pages detailing various customer issues and how to fix them.

It also contains an extensive “frequently asked questions” section where you can find answers to any lingering inquiry.

Direct complaints can also be forwarded to Instagram via email by [email protected] or by sending a direct report from the app.

How to report an issue on Instagram

1. Tap on the menu icon at the top right corner of your profile page and select the “settings” option on the page that pops up

2. Tap on the “help” option

3. Tap on “report a problem” on both page menus that follow.

4. Selecting “report a problem” creates a bug report that allows you to “explain what happened or what’s not working.”. You can also attach screenshots to show what feature issues you’re experiencing. 

5. Tap “submit” at the top right corner to send the report.


I hope this article has been able to help you understand why certain users are always watching your story.

If you have further issues or questions on the subject, I suggest you contact Instagram or head over to the “help center” section on the platform and try to find a solution from the FAQs.

I recommend directly contacting a customer support representative as a last resort because it takes a while for customer support to respond to complaints.

That is due to a large number of people using the service.

There is a phone number for direct contact, but it is automated.

It’ll only direct you back to the online help center. 

Any problem outside the scope of the “help center” should be sent to the Instagram contact email for a professional to handle or reported via the “report” option in the app settings. 

Note: No legitimate website will ask for your login details to help you fix any issue on your account. Do not compromise your account security by revealing your username and password to anyone. 

Dozie Ejizu
Dozie is the founder of Vergizmo.com, with 10+ years of experience in Social Media and consumer tech devices. Dozie has written hundreds of articles with tried and tested methods to provide you with up-to-date information.