Snapchat’s “Favorite” feature allows you to save your favorite photo and video stories for easy access later.
But users commonly ask, can other Snapchat friends see the memories you have favorited? We’ll dive into this question within this article in just a moment.
It can be a bit nerve-wracking when you accidentally favorite a story and you don’t know where it goes. Will people see my embarrassing memories?
In this article, I’ll explain how favorites work and how they are kept private within your Snapchat Memories.
Who Can See My Favorite Story on Snapchat?
No, other people can’t see your favorite story on Snapchat. This is because these favorite memories only stay in your memories. There is no point where they leave your memories.
When you favorite the memory, it will go to your favorite story section in your memories. None of your friends on Snapchat will be able to see these favorite stories so you don’t need to worry.
Unless you decide to send your favorite memories to your Snapchat friends or explicitly post them on your Snapchat, no one else will see them.
There is currently conflicting information online as to whether or not other people are actually able to see your Favorite memories.
I can assure you that no one else can since I have tested it with other friends. I favorited a bunch of memories and then asked them if they could see it anywhere on my profile or stories and they said no.
What’s a Favorite Story on Snapchat
A favorite story on Snapchat is a story that you have decided is your favorite. This feature is meant for stories that stand out from all the other snaps and videos you have filmed.
This feature was introduced because Snapchat didn’t want its users to have to scroll through all their memories just to find the ones they liked.
If you’re the sort of person who takes a lot of snaps then this can be very frustrating, but the Favorite feature makes it much easier to navigate these stories.
All you have to do to favorite a story is, find a story that you like, click on it, long-press it, and hit the “Favorite Snap” button to add it to your favorite story section.
Another way you can do this is to go back into your memories, long press on any memory you like, and then click the heart icon to favorite it.
It’s similar to “favorites” in your camera roll. These are the pictures and videos you want quick access to rather than scrolling for ages.
How to See Favourite Memories on Snapchat
Favorite stories go to the stories tab in your memories. If you don’t know where this is then open your Snapchat app. Swipe up from the bottom to access your memories.
From here, swipe across the menu tab until you come across a tab labeled stories. Click on the tab labeled Favorite and here, you will see all of the stories you have favorited.
It’s right next to the “My Eyes Only” Tab.
How to Remove a Story From Favorites
If you want to remove a favorite story on Snapchat, you will have to back into the stories tab and click on the Favorite section. From here, choose the stories you don’t want in your favorites.
Long press on that story then select the “unfavourite Snap” button. This will automatically remove the story from your favorites.

You can also do this from the home tab on Snapchat. Just click on the picture you like > then hit the heart icon in the top right.
You can also do this without clicking the picture. Just long press on it and a bottom panel will show up. Just click the heat labelled favorite and it should be added to your favorites.
Will Snapchat Ever Make Them Public
No, Snapchat won’t ever make these memories public. This is because Snapchat prides itself on privacy. Memories are only meant for you so it won’t make sense for other people to be able to see them.
If you are really worried, you can just place these favorite stories in your My Eyes Only tab so they will never be seen by anyone.
If Snapchat for some reason does make these favorite memories public, you will be given the choice to opt in on whether or not you want other people to see these snaps.
My Final Thoughts
Favorite Stories allows you to pick out certain stories that you like more than others to avoid you from scrolling through all of your memories.
These stories are private to your account and cannot be viewed by your friends or other Snapchat users.
Favorite Stories are stored in the “Stories” section of your memories, not shared on your public profile. So you can rest assured knowing you are the only one with access to them.