Are you wondering what happens when you delete a conversation in Messenger? If so, we’ve got you covered.
Many people wonder about their conversations after hitting that “Delete button.” We understand that it can be scary. If you’re deleting a conversation on Messenger, it’s not gone forever.
Do your Facebook messages disappear forever? Can you retrieve them? Is your friend still able to see your messages?
A lot comes to mind when we delete a conversation on messenger. And there are numerous reasons why you might want to talk on messenger.
Maybe it’s storage issues. Perhaps you deleted them by mistake. Maybe you wrote something terrible, and you are trying to get rid of it.
Here’s everything you need to know about what happens when you delete a conversation on Messenger:
Facebook Messenger has an easy-to-use delete feature that lets you get rid of any messages you don’t want others to see.
But while deleting a message is as simple as swiping left and hitting “delete,” it’s not so simple to tell whether or not someone has deleted your message.
Here’s what happens when someone deletes your message from Facebook Messenger:
If someone deletes your message from Facebook Messenger, it will still appear in their inbox with an exclamation point on top of it. The only difference is that now it has an exclamation point on top of it, which means the sender has deleted it.
When you delete a message from the messenger, it disappears into thin air, and not even you can retrieve it.
When you delete a message from the messenger, the recipient will know because they will receive a notification that you removed the message.
What Happens When You Delete a Conversation on Messenger?
It’s a question that many of us have asked. Especially if we’ve been having an intense text exchange with someone, we get interrupted by an incoming call, or our phone dies.
Or we’re feeling nostalgic about a past conversation and want to go back and re-read it. Whatever the reason, it can be challenging to know what happens when you delete conversations from Facebook Messenger.
The answer depends on whether or not you have the chat archive feature turned on for your Messenger account.
If you do not have this feature enabled, Facebook will remove your messages permanently from both of your phones once they are deleted from one device.
However, if you do have it enabled, then there is still a chance that those messages may be recoverable—but only if they haven’t been sent yet.
When it comes down to it, there’s no way to know exactly what will happen when you delete a conversation until after it’s happened. But if you do decide to take the plunge (and even if you don’t), remember one thing:
Your friends will probably find out anyway. So how do you delete the connection for both pasties so that even your friend does not have access to them?
If I Delete a Conversation on Messenger, Does The Other Person Know?
If you delete a conversation, the other person will probably notice it if they look at their Messenger app. But it’s not like they can see that you deleted it—they just see that you’re not talking anymore.
They will see that you unsent a message, so you can just follow it up with another message to win their trust again.
So long as you don’t leave them hanging with an unanswered question or request, they probably won’t even realize that there was a conversation in the first place.
But if you decide to make this move, please be considerate of your friends’ feelings and remember that they might not be paying attention to their Messenger app all the time.
So if you have something important to say, don’t just assume that they’ll see it when they open up the app next time.
Does Deleting Messages on Facebook Delete For The Other Person?
Does deleting messages on Facebook delete them for the other person? Is it a one-way street?
I’m not sure if you’ve heard, but people are really into disappearing messages these days. And I don’t mean they’re just deleting them from their accounts—I mean they’re sending messages that disappear after a certain amount of time has elapsed.
So, you wonder, what happens when you delete a message on Facebook Messenger and the other person still has it saved. If you change your mind about sending something, can you get it back? Or is this a one-way street?
Well, here’s what happens: If you delete a message in Facebook Messenger and the person you sent it to hasn’t deleted it yet (or even if they have), it’ll be gone from their phone as soon as they close out of the conversation—but it’ll still exist in their chat history on Facebook. They will receive a notification that you removed a message, and that’s all they see.
Messenger Conversations Randomly Disappearing
If you’re getting a little paranoid about the random conversations you’ve been having with your friends, you’re not alone.
The truth is that Facebook Messenger conversations randomly disappearing is pretty common—and it has nothing to do with the NSA.
If you’ve noticed your friends have deleted their conversations with you and they don’t appear in your list of contacts anymore, it’s probably because they’ve turned on vanish mode.
This is a feature that allows users to delete all of their messages at once instead of deleting them one by one.
Here are some other reasons why your messages might be disappearing:
You Have Vanishing Mode On
Vanish mode is an optional feature that lets users make their messages disappear from both their own and their recipients’ inboxes after a set amount of time (usually 24 hours).
If this feature is turned on, any messages sent while in vanish mode will be deleted permanently after their allotted time is up—even if they haven’t been read yet.
How do I turn off vanish mode? You can turn off vanish mode by going into Messenger settings > Account Settings > Privacy Settings > Messenger Settings > Vanish

Your Friends Deleted it
If someone deletes their conversation with you from their end and then deletes it from yours, then there are no more records of this conversation existing at all.
This could be for many reasons: maybe they just didn’t like talking to you or suspected some risky insecure accident.
How to Delete a Message on Messenger
Did you send a message on Facebook Messenger and then realize you shouldn’t have? Maybe you sent a dirty joke or a picture of your cat that you were going to delete but forgot.
If this is the case, don’t worry—you can delete messages from both parties so they don’t linger in the ether indefinitely.
Here’s how:
You can delete a message by tapping and holding the message on your phone. Then select “Remove.”
When you are asked for whom you want to remove the message, select Unsend. Once you have made your selection, confirm it.
If you successfully deleted the message, you should see a confirmation note saying, “You unsent a message.”
You should know that the recipient will also be notified (if they haven’t seen it already).
The golden rule is: don’t send messages you might regret later.
The best way to avoid this is not to send messages in the first place. But sometimes, you just have to say something, and you don’t have time for a full chat. In those cases, consider sending a photo instead.
If you do need to send a text, then keep the following things in mind. Don’t send messages that could start an argument or cause trouble between you two.
If you get into a long conversation without ensuring it’s actually what your friend wants or needs right now. If they’re busy or stressed, they may not want to talk-especially if they’ve already told you so.
If there’s something important going on between the two of you that requires serious discussion, consider doing it over video chat instead of text messaging.
This ensures that both parties can be sure there aren’t any misunderstandings about what was said before having a serious conversation about something important like this one.
Don’t assume anything about how your friend feels based on what they say in their message. It’s easy to misinterpret tone online (and even in person!).
How to Delete a Chat Thread on Messenger
So you’ve got a conversation, otherwise known as a chat thread on Messenger that you want to delete, but you don’t want just to swipe it away? Deletion is the key to a clean and organized chat history.
Well, we’ve got a solution.
First, open up the Messenger app. If you’re not sure where it is, look in the app drawer or search for it.
Next, tap on the conversation that you want to delete. You’ll know when you’ve selected the right one because it will have a checkmark.
Then all you have to do is hit the “Swipe Left” button, and voila. The conversation is gone forever (or until someone else sends another message).
If you can’t delete a message on messenger then check out our article on what to do if you cant delete a message on messenger.
Should I Delete My Facebook Messages?
You should delete your Facebook messages if you want to:
- Avoid accidentally messaging people who are no longer on messenger.
- Save space on your phone.
- Avoid the embarrassment of having an embarrassing conversation pop up when you’re with that person, and they ask.
We all know that deleting a thread on Facebook is impossible. But what if we told you that deleting a single message from a chat thread is possible?
Here’s how:
Step 1: Log into Facebook.
Step 2: Go to Messages, then click on the conversation from which you want to delete one message. It should open up with a list of all the messages in that conversation. If not, just click on one of them, then hit “Show more.”

Step 3: Click on the arrow next to each person’s name to get rid of them from your conversation. You’ll see an option that says “Delete” next to each name—that’s what you want.
Confirm that you wish to delete the message and its replies from your Messenger account. (You might have to edit your settings so that you can see who you’re messaging with.)
This will only delete the messages between you and the person whose name is selected—the rest of the chat will still be there.
When You Block Someone Does it Delete Messages?
You might have heard that if you block someone on Messenger, all the conversations will be deleted. That’s not true.
If you block someone, it doesn’t delete your messages with them—it just means that they can’t see them anymore, and neither can you.
You’ll still be able to go back and read all of your old chats with that person whenever you want.
When you block someone on Messenger, it does not delete all of your messages.
When you block someone, they’ll still be able to see any messages that you sent before you blocked the person.
The only way to delete an entire conversation is if both parties delete their messages from the chat.
How to Block Someone on Messenger or Facebook
If you’re tired of receiving messages from that guy who keeps asking you out even though you’ve told him repeatedly that you’re not interested, blocking him is the way to go.
Blocking someone on Messenger prevents them from sending you messages or seeing your profile picture in their suggestions. You can also unfriend someone and unlink messenger accounts if necessary.
Blocking someone on Messenger or Facebook is a little tricky. But we’re here to help.
It’s not as easy as just clicking a button and hoping for the best. You have to go into your account settings, where things get a little weird.
Step 1: Open the Messenger app on your Android phone.
Step 2: Tap More (the three vertical dots) in the top-right corner of the screen and select Settings from the menu.
Step 3: Scroll down until you see “General Settings” and tap it.
Step 4: Tap Add New Contact ID or Email Address To Block (if you have an email address for the person you want to block) from the list of options on the screen.
Step 5: Enter a name for this contact into the text field provided and then tap “Save” at the bottom of your screen when finished.
Step 6: Click block.
Make sure the person is not active on messenger while you block them so they don’t know.
How to Tell if Someone Deletes Messages
Facebook is a great way to keep in touch with friends and family, but it can also be a place where people try to cover their tracks. If you want to know if someone has deleted messages on Facebook, here’s what you should look for:
Step 1: Go to your friend’s Facebook profile and click “Messages” on the left side of the screen.
Step 2: Click on any recent message between you and your friend. If it hasn’t been deleted yet, it will have a blue checkmark next to it, but if there’s no checkmark next to the message, that means it’s gone forever.
Sometimes, if your friend deletes messages for both parties, you will receive a notification indicating that your friend has unsent messages.
If you’ve ever wondered how to tell if someone deleted messages on Facebook, now you know.
And don’t panic if you find your friend’s messengers because they deleted them because they made a mistake or have storage issues on their phone.
Or they accidentally sent something terrible. You do not want to hurt your feelings and destroy your relationship.
Sometimes the worst:
They Might Have Cleared Their History
If a Facebook user clears their history, it will delete all of the messages in their inbox and all of the chats that they’ve had with other people.
This can sometimes be a helpful way of seeing if someone has deleted messages from their inbox because it will show that they have deleted all of the chats they’ve had with other people on Facebook and will not show any new ones coming through after the date that they cleared out their history.
They Could Have deleted Chat Thread by Accident
Suppose a Facebook user accidentally deletes an entire chat thread by mistake or intentionally chooses to do so because they don’t want anyone else seeing what was discussed in those conversations anymore.
In that case, there won’t be any evidence left behind since none of those chats will appear.
Why Can Someone Delete Facebook Messages?
- They were asked to do something embarrassing or illegal
- The conversation was too long, and they couldn’t keep up with it.
- They might be hiding something from you.
- The person is afraid of being caught by their boss, family, or friends.
- They didn’t mean to send that message in the first place
You’ve finally learned what happens when you delete a conversation on a messenger app.
Now you know what happens when you delete a conversation on messenger service. The messages disappear, but the recipient receives a notification that you removed a message.
You also know what happens when you block someone on messenger. You know how to delete chats on messenger and why messenger chats can disappear mysteriously and how to recover them.
You understand why someone might delete their messenger messages, so you should not be annoyed if your friends delete their messages.
And lastly, you know how to block someone and what happens when you block someone. I hope you found this article helpful.