Snapchat is a great new way to keep in touch with your friends, but with all the new features added to Snapchat over the years, it can be hard to know what everything means.
One feature that has been around for a while is the “Ignored From Added Me” option, released when Snapchat added its Snap codes back in 2014.
If someone adds you on Snapchat and you add them back, you can choose whether or not you want them to show up in your story feed. Even if you do add them back, they may still appear in your story if they’re one of your best friends.

But if you don’t want them to appear in your story at all, you can ignore them from adding you. This ignored from added me feature is the ability to ignore snaps from users that you don’t want to talk to anymore, and it’s not just for romantic partners—it can be used on anyone.
If you ever wonder about any of the other Snapchat features or how they work, we encourage you to explore our blog for more helpful tips like this one!
What is Ignored From Added Me on Snapchat
The “ignored from added me” feature is accessed from the Settings menu (it looks like the icon for a gear). The button is located under the color yellow on Snapchat.

If you tap it, you’ll be taken to a list of people who recently added you. You can tap any one of them to see their username.
The next time someone tells you that they’ve added you—and yet for some reason won’t tell you their username—you can quickly find out for yourself!
Suppose you choose to ignore them. They aren’t sent an alert telling them that you’ve chosen to ignore them, but if your friend opens their contacts list, they will see them there just like any other contact.
To add someone back into your contact list, all they have to do is tap on the friend they want to add back, and then swipe up on their name, and they will be sent the message “added back,” letting them know you’ve reinstated them in your contact list.
The ignored feature is a fast way of letting one of your friends know that they shouldn’t expect a response.
It’s a great way to keep your streaks alive with all of your best friends while also sending a message to someone that you’re not interested in chatting with them right now.
To use the ignored feature:
- Swipe right to get to the chat screen
- Find the snap you want to ignore (this will be the most recent one on the list)
- Tap and hold on the snap until the other icons appear around it
- Tap the icon that looks like a cross
- The blue dot will turn red, and the user’s snaps won’t show up in your chats anymore
This feature is simple: sometimes people add you by mistake, and they may send you snap after snap that you don’t want to have in your inbox.
We’ve all accidentally added someone by mistake that we’re not interested in talking to or seeing. Now, ignored from added me gives us the option to get rid of these people without having them know.
While this may seem like a negative step towards digital privacy and safety, it’s better than the alternative: having strangers see us at our worst moments (or at least what we consider our worst moments).
If someone you don’t know adds you by mistake, you can ignore them and remove them from your contacts.
It’s not just limited to this usage, of course—you can use ignored from added me on anyone who sends snaps that you’re not interested in seeing anymore.
Snapchatters I have Ignored From Added Me
Ignored Snapchatters are Snapchatters that you haven’t added back or have removed recently depending on what you can see on the ignored from added me section.
You are still able to add back the Snapchatters you have ignored from added me. But all this essentially means is that you are still waiting to add them back or you will never add them back at all.
How to See Ignored Friend Requests on Snapchat
If you really what to see your ignored friend requests on Snapchat then it is. You can see all this from the chat panel on the right of your Snapchat camera.
To see the ignored requests on your Snapchat just open the app and swipe right on your camera screen. From here you will have to click on the Add circle as seen in the picture below.

From here you will want to click the menu which is the three black dots. Here you can now tap on the Ignore from added Me option and you will be able to see the ones you have ignored.
What Does Added Me Back Mean on Snapchat Under Ignored
The Added Me Back option under the Ignored option shows the users that have added you back on the app. This section also shows you the Snapchatters you have added recently depending on the version of Snapchat you’re on.
If you’re not on the latest version of Snapchat then you will need to update your app by going into the app store and doing it there. If you’re on an Android device then this would be the play store.
Once you have updated it the section under Ignored should say friends I have recently added. Make sure you give a few minutes for the app to update. Once it has been updated close the app by force closing it and everything should update.
How to Ignore a Friend Request on Snapchat
It can be not very pleasant to keep adding people you don’t know. The app gives you several ways to ignore a request:
1. You can send a message such as “I’m not interested” or “I’m already following this person.” If they ask in person or through another social media platform (i.e., Facebook or Twitter), politely decline by saying,
“I’m sorry, I can’t Snapchat! I’m not good at it.” While you’re interested in their company and care about them, there is something else more important (i.e., anything) than Snapchatting with them.
2. Unfriend them: if the sender continues to bug you after sending the first message, unfriend them! This way, they won’t be able to bug you again since they won’t be able to see your snaps or send snaps to you.
3. When a friend requests you on Snapchat, they will send you a notification saying they have added you. Do not open the app if you wish to continue ignoring the request.
4. Decline the request, and the sender will never know. If you want to delete the request and move on, these steps will help.
- Open the app and go to ‘Settings.’
- Tap ‘Add Friends’
- Choose ‘Ignore this request….’

5. Make sure your profile is set to private so that only people who have your phone number can find and add you.
6. Delete the app from your phone altogether
How to Get rid of Ignoring from Added me on Snapchat
To get rid of someone from your Snapchat Ignore list, tap on the ghost icon at the top right of your screen.

The next screen will bring up a list of all the people who you’ve recently added. If they’ve been added by mistake, you can easily get rid of them by tapping on their name.
If you want to add someone to your ignored list (because they’re sending you inappropriate pictures or because they’re just not that great a friend), here’s how to do it:
Tap “Add Friends” at the bottom of your screen to add more friends. When the list comes up, scroll down until you find the person you want to ignore, then tap on their name.
Once you’ve tapped on their name, another screen will offer options for adding them as a friend or as an Ignored contact. Tap “Ignore,” and then tap “Confirm” to confirm it.
If you have added someone on Snapchat and they have ignored you, you probably wonder how to get rid of them? Well here’s another option.
If they ignore you, they probably don’t want to talk to you, so it’s time to make them disappear. There are a few ways to ignore people on Snapchat, but the easiest way is to switch your username.
You must be logged into your account and go to the settings menu by clicking on the icon at the top right corner of your screen.
Once there, click on “More” and then “Ghost Mode.” It will allow you to use your account anonymously for 24 hours.
How to Delete Ignored From Added Me on Snapchat
What Happens If You Ignore a Friend on Snapchat
If you ignore a friend on Snapchat, you can’t see their story.
Snapchat has a “My Friends” feature that allows users to add friends who appear in their contacts list. Users can then send snaps and stories to those contacts.
If a user adds another user and then chooses to ignore that user, the ignored user will not appear in the “My Friends” section of the other user’s Snapchat app.
If a user ignores a friend, they do not get notified that they have been ignored, meaning they may not realize they have been ignored until they no longer see content from the other user.
If a user wants to re-add someone they have previously ignored, they can choose to do so by tapping the ghost icon on the top-right corner of the screen in the “My Friends” tab and scrolling down.
If you’re wondering whether to ignore a friend on Snapchat, consider: How long have you been friends with this person? Do you have a history of ignoring them in other social networking contexts?
We don’t have to tell you that the longer your relationship with someone, the more it could hurt them if you go and “ghost” them on Snapchat.
But if that’s the route you’re choosing to take, there’s not much we can do for you. At least snap us back one final time, so we know what’s up.
How Does Someone End Up In the Ignored From Added Me Section
Snapchat’s “Ignored From Added Me” section is where the app dumps all of the people you’ve added to your Snapchat friends list who haven’t added you back.
In theory, it’s a way for you to manage your friend list, but it’s a dumpster fire in practice, and you’ll probably never actually use that feature. The most annoying thing about this feature is that it comes with no warning.
Once you’ve been relegated to the Ignored From Added Me section, there’s no way to tell why you were placed there. Maybe they forgot? Maybe they were distracted?
Maybe they don’t want to add everyone they meet on social media? Maybe they’re a scammer trying to collect many names and numbers before disappearing off the face of the earth? Who knows!
Okay, so this one is a little embarrassing, but I know it’s something that many people wonder about—so here goes: How do you end up on someone’s Snapchat “Ignored List”?
You must have added them at some point, and they’ve added you back. Whatever the person’s reason for not adding you back—whether or not it has anything to do with you, you will have a hard time figuring out what went wrong in your interaction if you can’t ask them directly.
And if Snapchat allows them to remain anonymous, like on Instagram or Twitter, there’s nothing you can do about it.*
- They’ve sent you a snap, and you didn’t reply or open it.
- You’ve sent them a snap, and they didn’t open it.
It’s that simple! Once someone is added to your list of ignored friends, they remain there for 30 days before you can re-add them.
So if you’re worried about being ignored by someone, don’t be! Just send them a snap every once in a while (or force yourself to open the snaps from people who aren’t in your circle), and they’ll stay out of the Ignored section.
What Happens when you Remove Someone from Ignored From Added Me
When you remove someone from ignored in Snapchat, it adds them to your chat list and sends a snap to the person you’ve just removed from ignored. A red number in their names will notify the person.
They will also be notified by the word “unignore” below the name of the person who added them on Snapchat
At the same time, in the chat log where they were previously ignored, a notification will pop up that says they’ve been removed from ignored.
With this information in mind, the person being removed always knows it’s coming—so when it happens, it can feel like an ambush.
What if a person was removed from ignored because you were two-timing them? They don’t know that yet!
Whether it’s a friend you haven’t talked to for a while or a new friend who you don’t want to scare away by saying something weird too quickly, removing someone from ignored without warning can make them feel exposed and vulnerable.
It might even make them wonder what else is going on with their friendship—did you finally see the angry rant they posted on your wall about how much you suck? Did you see that photo of them drinking?
If your goal is to get over someone (or at least move past them), removing them from ignored before talking to them about it could send the wrong message right off the bat—that instead of making a clean break and trying to forget about that person as much as possible, you want to check in on them and see what they’re up to.
As we’ve seen, there’s a lot of information to consider when dealing with Snapchat.
While Snapchat’s new features, such as How to ignore a friend request on Snapchat and get rid of Ignored from added me on Snapchat, are innovative, they have yet to prove that they can be more than just a fad.
Hopefully, this article has clarified the confusion you may have had while using the app. If you have any further problems you can always contact Snapchat support.