Contact cards give all the information you are willing to share, from your phone number to all your Social Media handles.
Contact cards are different digital cards that have your social information on them.
Contact cards on Tinder are a new feature, and they are somewhat like uncharted waters. Daters are still trying to get the hang of it.
The idea of a contact card for Tinder allows daters to add you on other platforms without a hassle; when you’re talking to someone, and you like them, you may be inclined to send your contact card.
In this article, I’ll be explaining everything you need to know about contact cards, so you know when and how to send them and also what they’re for.
What is a Contact Card on Tinder?
Tinder contact cards mostly contain information about other social profiles â your name, phone number, and social profiles. You have to give this information to Tinder.
These cards would create a path for communication on other platforms.
The contact card saves you the stress of searching for their username instead of just being redirected to that platform.
The cards let you promote your profile with a unique and business-like approach, which is quite fun.
The cards take business card format, but the information on them is not related to your business or anything similar.
Tinderâs goal is to help you find a love match, they do this better by making it more efficient for you guys to leave the app.
You will have to take your conversation off the dating app when you both don’t need it anymore. This is where you begin to use other social media platforms for effective communication.
How to Use a Tinder Contact Card?
Sending a contact card is not at all difficult. You need to make sure that there is already a line of communication; It does not matter if it is on or off Tinder.
You can share your contact card containing your phone number and the handle to whatever social media platform you may be active on.
How do you send a contact card? You will have to create one first if you do not have one.
To send a contact card to your match:
1. Open your chat with them.
2. Click on the contact card icon on the bottom left of your screen.
3. Select the contact card(s) you wish to send. This is typically the social media platform they ask for or the platform you use the most.
It should have a plus icon if you haven’t added your details to that card yet.

Once you have clicked, it should come up with a new window where you will need to put that exact social media usual or any other piece of information it is asking you to give.
Don’t worry, as this data isn’t given to anyone, so you can’t get hacked. We will get into more of that later in this article.
After you’re finished, click the done icon, and you should have the card available for you to send at all times.

When Do I Send a Contact Card
One interesting thing about Tinder is that you cannot send a Contact Card message to anyone unless you have matched someone.
On Tinder, this is what initiates any form of communication. You cannot get a message from anyone you have not been matched with.
You should only send contact cards when you want to take someone off the Tinder platform. This will decrease the chances of them ignoring you, so it would be smart to go to another platform where there’s less competition.
Another occasion you should send Contact Cards is when someone asks you for your Snapchat, phone number Instagram, etc.
I would recommend doing this for all the cards so you can reply as quickly as possible to your match whenever they ask for one.
Which Contact Cards Are Available on Tinder?
The idea of contact cards is to have all your contact information organized and ready to send.
You can send the following contact cards on Tinder:
- Instagram Handle
- Your Phone Number
- Snapchat
- FacebookÂ
- KakaoTalk
- Kik
- Line
- VKtchatalk

Ensure that whoever you send your contact card to is not a bot or catfish account; they are only out to steal from you.
Girl Sent Me Contact Card on Tinder
If a girl randomly sends you a contact card then you need to be wary.
In a lot of cases, if you didn’t ask a girl for her contact details and she randomly sends you a card without having any type of conversation then that account is most likely a bot. If it’s a new Tinder account it’s usually a Bot.
The girl is most likely a fake account trying to get some money out of one. Once you add them on another social media platform, they will try and entice you into paying them some sort of money by offering an explicit service.
If you did ask a girl for her details or you guys have had some sort of conversation then you need you don’t have anything to worry about. She is most likely interested in you since she’s willing to talk to you on another platform.
You won’t get hacked directly by clicking the card as Contact Cards are safe but you may be scammed if you do end up sending them a payment as they might not end up delivering the explicit service they’re offering.
In rare cases, it could just be that the girl doesn’t like talking on the Tinder app so she didn’t want to waste any time and just send you a Contact Card.
Contact cards are one of the safest things on Tinder. There is absolutely no way you can get hacked if you send a contact card.
The only function of your card is to direct any Tinder user you shared it with to your social profiles, saving them the stress of having to type in your username.Â
Contact Cards don’t expire on Tinder. They last for as long as those messages are available. They are there permanently.
One reason your Tinder Contact Card may disappear is if someone has unmatched you or if there is a faulty internet connection, so you will need to check your internet connection or use Tinder on
Adding the contact card feature is one of those âlittle thingsâ that Tinder does to stay on top of its game.
Using Contact Cards will save you time from typing out your details in the future.
You should also be asking for contact cards as it will automatically redirect you to the social media app you were asking for with their profile available to add.
If you decide to stick to your old methods of getting details, then it will be a bit of a longer process.
Sending a contact card may also reduce your chances of being ignored, as people will be more inclined to click on it rather than having to type out your details.
Hopefully, you now know everything to do with Contact Cards and you can stay safe if a girl randomly sends you a card.