The Purple lightning bolt, also known as a boost puts your profile out there and catalyzes every opportunity it brings to ensure you get matched with your soulmate, casual mates, or mutual friends.
Also, you’ll receive ten times more profile visits with just a single tap on the purple lightning bolt.
Many people don’t seem to know what the purple lighting bolt is on tinder. For those who don’t know the purple lightning bolt is a boost. A boost puts your profile out there to more people.
If you’re considering dipping your toes into all the dating apps, or maybe you’re on a journey to finding your better half, an excellent dating site would be the top priority.
Isn’t it amazing when love finds you in hopeless places? The online dating magazine revealed 2500+ dating sites in the US alone. Tinder would be the perfect app for that perfect soulmate or casual hook mate.
Over 55 billion matches are made on Tinder, and for you to stand a chance of getting a quick match, you need a boost.
What Does the Purple Lightning Bolt-on Tinder Mean?
There are several icons in association with the tinder app. Furthermore, it has graphics that allow users to identify when other platform participants are likely to think about them.
The icons consist of the blue star, the pink icons, and the purple lightning bolt. You must have come across the purple lightning bolt throughout your Tinder navigation process.
The icon is Tinder’s special feature known as the ‘boost.’ It is usually a premium feature that would cost you some extra bucks.
The icon is always located next to the user’s name. It signifies that somebody has sent you alike using the boost feature.
In addition, it enables the dating app users to make their profile visible at the top card stack to other users in the same locality as them.
Tinder reveals that the purple lightning bolt can boost your site visitation by up to ten times,
If you’re on Tinder and know what you want, you’ll put your best foot forward and shine out by embracing the boost method.
It’s the only chance to be the center of attraction and wow that handsome boy or gorgeous lady in your region. It is important to know that Tinder’s purple lightning bolt is a limited feature that doesn’t last a lifetime.
So, while you’re using it, make sure you use it to the maximum, especially if you’re using the free version.
Do not leave room to chance. Swipe 15-20 times within two to three hours, and the remainder, you can pass it over to the algorithm.
Where is the Purple Lightning Bolt on Tinder?
The moment you see the purple lightning bolt on the Tinder feed, it automatically tells you that a tinder user liked or was interested in your profile using the boost feature.
There’s a way to identify this purple lightning bolt in two ways. You’ll see the purple lightning bolt on the discovery screen or the match screen. This is where your messages are as well.
When you click on the settings icon on your screen, which is next to the blue star icon.
While you are on the settings menu, what a better chance to find out whether you possess the tinder boost or, if at all, you need to upgrade to the premium version to own it.
It’s one of the best methods of gathering more matches, and you’ll be at a closer step to finding the love of your life.
You have nothing to lose if you upgrade your Tinder app to the premium membership but much to gain.
What Does Purple Lightning on Discovery Mean
Another alternative to locating the purple lightning bolt is navigating it on your discovery screen/page, where you always look through other user profiles on Tinder.
Feel free to tap on the purple bolt situated at the bottom right corner of the screen to activate the feature.
What Does the Purple Lightning On Match Mean
Again, there’s another way of discovering the purple lightning bolt by looking at it on your app’s match screen.

When you connect with someone using the Tinder boost feature or the gold premium membership card, you’d realize the purple lightning bolt, which is usually next to the other user’s profile photo.
Now that wasn’t so hard to find the purple lightning bolt. Was it?
Should you use the Purple Lightning Bolt?
Why not? If you haven’t used it yet, what are you waiting for? You needed to have already used the purple lightning bolt because there’s no reason to wait any longer—you’re missing on so many golden dating opportunities.
There’s no specific reason for holding back yourself if you can afford it.
For all you know, Tinder boost can increase your lady luck stars by speeding up your chances of matching with your flatmate, soulmate, or friend up to ten times.
In case nobody told you, with the Tinder gold premium option, you can get super matches boosted by 100 times which, to me, it’s a deal worth investing in without having second guesses.
If you’re frustrated with the daily few or no match that comes with the accessible version of Tinder, you better cross over to Tinder boost and super boost side, where the red falling heart signs are the order of the day.
Another thing, if no one is matching with you on the free mode version of Tinder, then don’t get your hopes high on the Tinder elevation boost. Don’t bother paying for it because all your money will go down the drain.
Perhaps, it’s time to make adjustments like adding some fabulous photos and updating your bio above the site’s standards to make potential pursuers captivated by your profile and fascinated. You don’t have to be so boring on this platform. Losen up!
What are The Tinder Boost Hearts?
Every time you upgrade for the boost features, you’d stand a chance to witness some floating hearts located at the base of the screen.
The significance of all these hearts is symbolic, implying that your profile visibility is top-notch although the entire app.
It means that more people are showing interest in you. However, the only limitation to this is that this only lets you know that your purple lightning bolt is active.
It would not show how successful your boost is to you and other users. Its primary objective is to motivate you to swipe simultaneously while the lucks remain.
When you tap the purple lightning bolt, it will be able to indicate the remaining duration that the boosts will last.
The moment the boosts exhaust, you’ll receive a pop-up notification regarding the number of people who visited your profile and those who showed interest.
How Much are Boosts, and Are They Worth it?
Tinder boosts are a hands-down feature of the Tinder premium package. The Tinder boost prices differ from one amount to another amount depending on the subscription package you purchased.
If you’re on Tinder plus or you’re on the gold subscription, there’s no doubt you’ll garner one boost monthly.
Tinder boosts are in high demand, and as we all know, the law of demand, the higher the demand for a product, the higher the price charged on the product. Currently, Tinder charges about 7.99USD in the US for a boost.
Tinder pricing isn’t stable. It is subject to change depending on your geographical region, and age. Although if you opt for a discounted price, the only way to achieve it is to buy 5 to 10 boosts.
If you ask me whether Tinder boosts are worthy or not, then the answer is a definite yes. A boost is a premium tool that will hasten your matching opportunities, making it valuable and efficient for purchase.
When it comes to the cost incurred, it is not low, and therefore you need to call yourself to a meeting and make the final decision by yourself.
If you’d want to save, the safest option would be to purchase the premium bouquet. You can also decide to pay 30 USD for a lifetime super-boost connection.
Here’s How You Can Use Tinder Super Boost
- Open the Tinder app either on your phone or on your browser
- Select your profile icon on the top left corner
- Press the boost button
- Tap the supper Boost button by clicking the unlock super boost
- Buy Super Boost by choosing your preferred payment method
- Once your super boost is on, click the like button
Tinder Boost VS Tinder Super Boost
Tinder boost provides you with 30 minutes of devoted time, while the Tinder super-boost utilizes your 180 minutes compared to a profile with zero boosts.
As for the Tinder boost, you can enjoy ten times profile visitation and search view. Hence, when you do your math right, the Tinder Super Boost has an added advantage compared to the Tinder boost.
Also, when you compare the two, it differs as far as usage is concerned. There’s unlimited usage for the Tinder boost, whereby the Tinder super-boost requires one to use it during the evening hours.
Is the Tinder Super Boost Worth it?
Profile visitation wouldn’t guarantee you are getting matched with the perfect gentleman or attractive lady. This is so because there are several outcomes, considering that all factors remain constant.
For example, the ratio of men to women on Tinder isn’t balanced. Hence, the competition visibility has unintentionally gone down.
The super boost is worthy or not based on your General User Experience in that social platform. Though, it’s worth giving it a try.
Tinder works simultaneously with two features that show whether a user has received a super like or liked via the Tinder boost. It’s showcased with either the blue star or the purple lightning bolt.
The two tools are impactful because they enable users to remain distinguished from the rest of the users who are not enrolled in these special bouquets.
In case you’re struggling to attract matches on the dating platform, you can purchase super likes at a cost and incorporate it with Tinder boost, which will make your profile appear exemplary.
Unfortunately, Tinder doesn’t offer you the entire package, like a chance to express your personality in full detail. Apart from that, you are only required to update your bio briefly.
Thus, there’s a need to maximize the opportunities with these features to speed up the match-making technique.
Tinder is the most reliable, efficient, leading dating platform that offers world-class dating services to its users. There are fewer frauds and less cat phishing. In other words, there’s value for every penny you spend.
FAQS About the Purple Lightning Bolt
Is Tinder Boost Free Of Charge?
There’s no way that this would be possible. Nothing goes for nothing. Hence, Tinder boosts aren’t free of charge. Although, you stand a chance to acquire one boost per month.
If you’re on Tinder plus or operating on the Gold subscription package and thus, you won’t have to incur extra charges.
Is it Possible That My Matches Would Know That I’m Using Boost When I Match with them?
Not really. Your Boosts enables you to operate in incognito mode. None of the people you match with will see that you’re using boost.
You’ll only appear as a typical match since you’re the only one who knows what happens behind the closed doors.
How Long Does Tinder Boost Last?
You can rest assured that you won’t lose the platform’s boosts as long as you’ve made your payment and followed the criteria. Fortunately, Tinder Boost doesn’t have an expiry date.
What happens when I use Boost and Don’t Get Any Math? Is Tinder Boost a Scam?
As discussed earlier, Tinder Boost is primarily focused on increasing your profile visibility to its users. If you haven’t gotten a match, Tinder Boost wasn’t meant as a tool for connecting you to your partner(s).
Other factors must have played a role in adding to your frustrations. For example, If your region is sparsely populated or your profile is boring, you won’t receive the numerous matches you desire.
Instead, you’ll receive disappointments after disappointments. Invest in your bio and other factors before buying or using Tinder Boosts.